Monday, 31 December 2012

Daily Sketch 31/12/12

This was drawn from this

Daily Sketches

A new year is upon us. I thought it might be a nice project to do a daily sketch thing, to keep my hand in with pencils and to make use of some of the stock images I've stockpiled on DeviantART (among other reference material). I then thought it might be nice to turn the blog into a virtual sketchbook for the world to see, so here are some to be going on with...

Sunday, 23 December 2012

Nymphs of the Sword

No basis for a system of government...

My latest painting...

Saturday, 1 December 2012

Dragonmeet, Witchfest and pseudo-Queen.

Today I went to Dragonmeet. Wasn't able to meet the dragon, but met some very fine fantasy artists. Matt Dixon, Andy Hepworth, Ralph Horsley, Scot Neil, Sam Manley and Ben Wootten all had great stands in the artist bit, and were good enough to have a look at my portfolio and offer some useful feedback. Jon Hodgson was also there with Cubicle 7, and hopefully I made a few new contacts. Congratulations to all involved with organizing the event.

The other week I went to Witchfest. Thatfest. There were also artists' stands at this event, including the enchanting work of

And also had this Mercurial interlude recently, which was kinda magic (for Aylesbury).

Aside from that, still working hard...