Saturday, 22 May 2010

All's well that ends well.

It always puts things into perspective when terrible things happen or almost happen in real life. Concerns about what an illustration of a ship's reflection should look like, or gripes about the new interface on deviantART suddenly seem relatively trivial.

A female relative of mine was jogging in a park in the city where she lives, early this morning, when she became aware of a man seeming to follow her, matching her speed, stopping when she stopped, pretending to walk. And then he dropped his stuff and started running after her as she tried to get away. Fortunately there was a knight (on a shining bike) who saw what was happening and intervened. Something unthinkable might have happened had not this other guy been around. Thanks to him, and to whatever fortune or providence caused him to be there. I feel an abstract gratitude beyond the personal and am greatly relieved that the outcome was not worse. I would say 'thank God', but for the knowledge that many other victims have found themselves cornered by perverted predators only for no saviour to appear in the nick of time, with consequences that don't bear thinking about.

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